
Privacy Policy

What treatments do we carry out with your personal data?

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your personal data may be subject to some of the following treatments:

  • TR04 - Advertising campaigns (Legal basis: Law 34/1988, of November 11, General Advertising.)
  • TR08 - Collect the opinion of the interested parties (Legal basis: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of data protection and LOPD.)
  • TR03 - Selection of own personnel (Legal basis: Royal Legislative Decree 3/2015, of October 23, which approves the revised text of the Employment Law.)
  • TG01 - Own accounting and book management, as responsible. (Legal basis: Royal Decree 1514/2007, of November 16, by which the General Accounting Plan is regulated.)
  • TG25 - Collection of data for own fiscal management (Legal basis: Law 58/2003, of December 17, General Tax.)
  • TG12 - Own labor management: data collection (Legal basis: Royal Legislative Decree 1/1994, of June 20, approving the Consolidated Text of the General Social Security Law.)
  • TR09 - Securities on technical and organizational measures in the applied software (Legal basis: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of data protection and LOPD.)
  • TE08 - Protection of Personal Data (Legal basis: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Organic Law 3/2018.)
  • TE02 - Prevention of occupational risks (Legal basis: Law 31/1995, of November 8, on Prevention of Occupational Risks.)
  • TE07 - Destruction of documents (Legal basis: Regulation (EU) 2016/679)
  • TV01 - Sales / Provision of Services (Legal basis: Commercial and Tax Legislation)
  • TE03 - Transportation service and / or parcel shipments (Legal basis: Royal Decree of August 22, 1885 by which the Commercial Code is published.)
  • TR05 - Emails (Legal basis: Commercial Code and other applicable legislation.)
  • TR01 - Requests for information received (Legal basis: Commercial Code and other mercantile provisions.)
  • TR07 - Management of incidents and / or security breaches (Legal basis: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of data protection and LOPD.)
  • TE04 - Management of legal matters of their own (Legal basis: Commercial and labor legislation applicable)
  • TE01 - Maintenance of computer systems (Legal basis: Commercial Code.)

About us

We are responsible for the treatment of your data. Therefore, the interested parties and the competent bodies are expressly, precisely and unequivocally informed of the following aspects related to the controller:

  • AURÁNTICA SUR, S.L. B23565864
  • Paraje Balsa De Los Corrales - Finca El Retiro
  • 04200
  • Tabernas

What do we use your personal data for?

In this organization, we can process your personal data exclusively for the purposes indicated below:

  • Check that all necessary technical measures are being carried out for the correct management of personal data with the applied software.
  • Sending commercial and / or advertising information by email.
  • Management of requests for information received by the interested party about our products or services.
  • Exclusive management of internal incidents detected in compliance with the requirements of the RGPD.
  • Carry out advertising campaigns to advertise our services and/or products.
  • Obtain the opinion of the interested parties.
  • Selection of personnel to fill the necessary job vacancies.
  • Comply with all the requirements set forth in the Occupational Risk Prevention Law.
  • Parcel and mail delivery.
  • Manage any legal problem that affects the company.
  • Manage, maintain and repair computer storage systems.
  • Actions to carry out your own labor management
  • Actions to carry out your own tax and accounting management
  • Comply with the principle of limiting the period of retention of personal data
  • Compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Organic Law 3/2018. Administrative Management of private clients
  • Carry out the sale or provision of the contracted service

A commercial or user profile may be prepared, based on the information provided or obtained. It is expressly informed that, in no case, profiles will be drawn up with the data of a minor.

The personal data provided by you will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship or, where appropriate, as long as you do not exercise your right of opposition or withdraw the consent granted. To do this, you can go to the corresponding section on our website or send an e-mail to the address indicated in the section on the person responsible.

Why do we use them? We are entitled to process your personal data for the following reasons:

Your unequivocal, informed and express consent, in those cases in which it is legally required, without, in any case, the withdrawal of the same condition the execution of other treatments whose legitimation is different, and without said withdrawal affecting to the lawfulness of the treatment prior to its withdrawal.

A legal obligation of the controller.

The execution of the contract for the provision of services and/or the sale of the corresponding products, signed by you.

The legal basis for the treatment of your data is a legitimate interest of the person responsible. Said interest is based on the prior performance of a proportionality or weight judgment between the legitimate interest of the person in charge and the interests or rights and freedoms of the interested parties. This weighting has involved the evaluation of interest, the evaluation of the impact of the treatment on the interested parties, the balance between the two previous concepts and the implementation of additional guarantees. As the final weight is favorable to the controller, the treatment can be carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data. For any questions or clarifications, you can contact us through the e-mail provided in the section corresponding to the person responsible for the treatment.

With whom can we share your personal data?

Your personal data will be communicated to the following companies and organizations:

  • Tax Agency
  • State Public Employment Service
  • General Treasury of Social Security
  • National Data Protection Agency
  • Banks and savings banks

Your personal data will not be transferred to any third country or international organization.

What data do we process and how have we obtained it?

Your personal data will be incorporated into the following files, owned by the organization:

  • FG01 Own accounting management
  • FG02 Own labor management
  • FG15 Own tax management. Data collection
  • FE01 Computer maintenance
  • FE02 Occupational risk prevention
  • FE03 Transport and shipping
  • FE04 Own legal matters
  • FR01 Requests for information received
  • FR03 Selection of own staff
  • FR04 Advertising campaigns
  • FR05 Emails
  • FR07 Management of incidents and/or security breaches FR08 Obtain the opinion of the interested parties
  • FR09 Security in software and hardware
  • FE07 Destruction of documents
  • FE08 Protection of Personal Data
  • FP01 Clients

The personal data that we process in our organization comes from the following sources:

  • The interested party himself

What rights can you exercise?

We guarantee the exercise of the rights that assist you in relation to the processing of your personal data.

In particular, we inform you that you have the right to:

  • Get confirmation on whether your data is being processed.
  • Exercise the right of access to the personal data that we have, obtaining information on the purposes of the treatment, the category of data processed, the possible recipients, the retention period, the origin of the data and, where appropriate , profiling or automated decision making.
  • Exercise the right of rectification. For these purposes, we remind you that the personal data we have must always be a true reflection of reality, so that you do not hesitate to use your right in the event that any data is modified, changed or canceled. You guarantee that the personal data that you have provided us by any means are true and exact, and you agree to notify any change or modification thereof, being your sole responsibility for any loss or damage caused to the person responsible or to any third party due to a communication of erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete information.
  • For reasons related to your particular situation, you may oppose the processing of your data, in which case our organization will stop processing the data, unless there are legitimate reasons that prevent it.
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, they are no longer necessary for the purposes described above or we no longer have the legitimacy to process them.
  • Request the portability of your data, when the treatment is carried out by automated means and as long as it is linked to our entity based on a signed contract or you have given consent for the treatment carried out. In these cases, you will have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, or to have it transmitted directly to another controller, when technically possible.
  • In certain circumstances, you may request the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • Oppose automated decision-making, including profiling.

Said rights may be exercised free of charge, except in the cases legally provided for, by means of a written request signed by you or, where appropriate, by your representative, addressed to the person in charge, at the addresses provided for this purpose in the first section, or physically in any of our establishments.

You also have the right to file claims, either with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (on the web or with the corresponding control authority.

Likewise, you can go to the Courts of Justice to claim compensation.

Finally, you have the right to withdraw your consent, with the same ease with which you gave it. To do this, you can go to our website, where you will find the information necessary to quickly and easily cancel the authorization that we have been granted to carry out these communications. You can also send an e-mail to the address indicated in the section on the person responsible.

We also inform you that in each treatment of your personal data the possible threats and impacts that may occur as a consequence of them are determined, mitigating or eliminating if possible, the potential damages, by applying the corresponding measures of security that are periodically reviewed to determine its effectiveness.

Our control system also allows us to comply with the principles of the treatment of your data, being able to prove to the interested party, the principle of limitation to the purpose of the treatment, the principle of limitation to the conservation period, the principle of minimization of data, as well as the principle of integrity and confidentiality. Lastly, we also inform you that you will periodically receive surveys that will allow us to know your opinion about any suggestion regarding the treatment of your personal data, as well as being able to comply with the principle of transparency and accuracy of the data processed.

For any doubt or clarification, you can contact us through the e-mail provided in the first section. Without further ado, sincerely,
The Responsible.